Welcome to 2025!


We really hope it's a great year for everyone! Something about the number 2025 sounds very promising and exciting! 

We haven't had a moment to spare since our last race in September. There is just so much to do. A huge thank you to Carol, Emilie, Gary, Jason, Allan & Marie for working at our display at the Leduc Airport Outlet Mall. We spoke to over 2600 people with over 94% not knowing about EIR. This is an excellent way to reach out to potential new fans and racers. Thank you as well to our EIR Racers that came by with their Hero Cards and chatted with everyone and signed autographs & Thank you to Ricky Doggy too! This is so important. You are NASCAR Stars and it's so important that our Racers get themselves out there to the public. It's great for EIR and a very important addition to your Racing Resumes and for your Sponsors. 

Early Bird Racer Registrations are due by January 31, 2025. The Early Bird price is cheaper and also ensures your car number. After January 31st if you haven't registered, we can't confirm you will get to keep your car number. Also, for 2025, as an extra incentive, those Racers that register by January 31st will have their car & driver photo included in the EIR 2025 Poster which will be used for give-aways, posted at our Sponsor outlets and posted at the track. So get your registrations in early to be included!  

The Racer Merchandise Program worked very well in 2024 and we are looking to offer this to the Racers again this year. In order for us to ensure all stock is inventoried and tagged for Opening Night - we need you to provide your product by May 1.  

This year we are trying something different for the Test & Tune Saturday. We are scheduling a Test & Tune on Saturday, May 24 along with an "Open House" Event. This will include many different components including race car displays, information booths set up by 50/50 Groups, tours of the Track plus $5 tickets will be on sale for the May 31 and June 7th Fan Appreciation Race Events. Please invite your Sponsors to come out if they wish to set up a display as well. We will combine this with the Racers' Test & Tune as Race Night opens on May 31st this year! 

We have come up with a Spreadsheet that will help us keep track of the hours that Racers and Volunteers contribute to helping both at the track and with various off-site promotions. There will be "incentives" awarded after a certain number of hours and "bigger incentives" as you increase your hours. We will include incentives such as Back Gate Entry, EIR Gift Cards and more prizes as we organize this. 

Some of our race teams have already taken advantage of the $7 Tickets, we will include whatever photo you choose on your ticket and these will be a great way for your Team to raise money for your racing. Contact Loretta for more information. 

In order to help speed the Back Gate Process up for those that have their NASCAR Licenses, Registration, Waivers all signed and ready before they arrive, we will have 2 lines set up, one for those with their paperwork all ready and another (which will be much slower) for those not prepared. Please make sure you have your paperwork done BEFORE the race season starts, waiting until the last minute at the Back Gate is very time-consuming for yourself, your team and our staff. 

Our 2025 Race Schedule is ready, we will have some printed copies that we give out at displays and promotions and you can also download a copy from our Website. 

Some promotions we have lined up include February 2 in Calgary at the NAPA Auto Parts Convention, February 8 - Speedway Market in Stony Plain and World of Wheels on March 28-30th. We will have more set up as they become available. 

As always reach out if you have any questions or ideas for us for the 2025 Race Season!

Loretta Thiering

Promoter – Edmonton Int’l Raceway in Wetaskiwin



Winter has settled in and I hope everyone has their race cars winterized, we hate to see damaged engines when you try to start your cars in the Spring! 

Ron & I attended the NASCAR Awards in Charlotte with EIR's Track Champion, Cam Medd and his Crew Chief, Lily Medd. We really enjoyed the trip and banquet and both Cam and Lily were wonderful to travel with. Cam talks to absolutely everyone and managed to snag a selfie with Jeff Gordon at the Chipotle Restaurant and Michael Waltrip at the Charlotte Auto Show. Cam's selfie with Jeff Gordon is close to going viral on EIR's Social Media! We met some great people in Charlotte and had some very good discussions with NASCAR Management about EIR and they expressed how pleased they are with our race program and facility, we were very happy to hear that!

The Canada Post Strike has provided us with some challenges as we come up to Christmas time. We have a lot of promotions set up including December 7 and 8th at the Westerner Place Christmas Market in Red Deer and December 10th to 24th we have a car and display set up at the Premium Outlet Mall in Leduc.

Our 2025 Schedule is ready and you will see that our NASCAR NAPA 300 Event is a little earlier this year and will be scheduled for July 11 and 12th. Our schedule is quite similar to our 2024 schedule and we have added 2 dates for the Baby Grand Race Cars and possibly the Legends Cars, however that has not been finalized yet.

Hopefully most of you are working hard on securing sponsorship for your 2025 Race Season. If you need help with your Sponsorship Decks, please let us know. It is very helpful that you create your own Social Media Account and a Website soley for your racing program. Our Website is continually being updated and check out the new "Meet the Racers" page and it is set up so that anyone searching your name and/or your sponsors will also be directed to your page on our EIR site. We can only work with the information that you provide us. It is super important that you provide us with your sponsors' names and website links, your social media account links, etc.

We have new and unique programs in place for next season to share with you. To help race teams generate funds for their 2025 racing program, we are offering you the opportunity to sell EIR Regular Event Tickets. We will print tickets that are personalized for your team (photos, logos, etc.) and sell them to you for $7.00, you can then sell these tickets at EIR's Retail Price or a price you choose and you keep the difference. We are also targeting two events in 2025 (July 19 & August 23) where each race team who wishes to participate, will be given 100 tickets (specifically for that day & coded to identify your Team) that you can GIVE AWAY however you wish. The Team that has the most tickets come in that day through the Front Gate will win $200. 

Just a reminder, it is never too early to send in your Registrations for 2025. This year, all those that register and provide a photo before January 31, 2025 will be included in our EIR Racer Poster which will be printed and given out to Fans at EIR and at various supporting businesses.

In closing, thank you to all of you that support and take the time to volunteer at our Car Displays and Promotions, we truly appreciate that and it doesn’t go unnoticed by potential sponsors.

Keep safe over the holidays and a Merry Christmas to all of you!


Loretta & Ron Thiering




OCTOBER 13, 2024

This summer just flew by. With many months of promoting and pre-planning that began as soon as the 2023 season was over, we blinked and the 2024 race season started with a very successful June 1st opener. The pre-sale of $5 tickets at many different promotions and displays worked out extremely well and we will do this again for our Season Opener on May 31, 2025 and include June 6th as well.

We are very proud of our EIR Appreciation Nights which included Retail & Hospitality Workers, Agricultural Workers, First Responders & Health Care Workers, Educators, Transport & Military Personnel. These Appreciation Nights provided free entry to all working in these industries and also included their family members.

2024 was the first of our 3 year contract with the NASCAR Canada Series & our title sponsor, NAPA. This year’s NAPA 300 event had the largest attendance yet for this series in Western Canada. Although the date has not been confirmed for 2025, we are expecting it to be in July again. We really look forward to working with NAPA as we grow this event even bigger for next year.

The EIR Future Stock Class saw some of the highest car counts for 2024. A big shout out to RoundTable Racing for introducing many more young racers to this sport. The natural progression for the Future Stock Racers would be to move into the NASCAR Pure Stocks & upwards – helping to grow the numbers in all EIR Classes. The name of the Cooper Equipment Crash Car Class will return back to the Cooper Equipment Hit to Pass Class. Look for more cars in 2025 and an even more entertaining Hit to Pass Show with more fireworks & fun for 2025.

People often say to me, you must be glad that race season is over, you can relax and take some time off. This is never the case! Planning for 2025 already begins during the 2024 race season. Apart from winterizing the track our work continues in the office. Lots of phone calls, emails, meetings and promotions are planned during the off season. So far these plans include 2 weeks (December 10th to 24th) in the Premium Outlet Mall – Edmonton Airport, The Speedway Market on February 8, 2025, World of Wheels from March 28-30th, Red Deer Market throughout the off season and more.

We will be reviewing the rules for EIR race classes for 2025 but I expect very few changes, just clarification for some of the rules.

I will work on sending out updates at least monthly to keep everyone up to date with EIR activities. These updates will be posted on our EIR Website at this Link:


As we move into 2025, please feel free to reach out to us anytime if you have any questions or need more information. If you have any ideas on how we can promote EIR or unique ideas you may have, we would love to hear them. Please reach out anytime!

Thank you!

Loretta Thiering
Promoter – Edmonton Int’l Raceway in Wetaskiwin





MAY 5, 2024

A Message from Loretta - Promoter - EIR in Wetaskiwin

Race Season is definitely around the corner everyone!

We have had the busiest Off-Season months ever at Edmonton Int’l Raceway (EIR). Our Promotions Team has worked so hard at so many different events and displays, it’s hard to keep track of them all! Our Social Media Program has kept everyone engaged from the end of last year’s race season to the start of our 2024 Season. EIR is definitely leading the way in our Promotions Department!

Some of our Events/Promotions for May include:

May 11 - Mothers Day in the Park - Ashoro Park - Wetaskiwin - 12 - 3 pm
May 17 - 19 - Gasoline Alley (Red Deer) Farmer's Market
May 19 - EIR Test & Tune (1-5 PM)
May 22 - Wetaskiwin Farmer's Market
May 24 - Calmar Farmer's Market

May 30 - Beaumont Farmer's Market
May 31 - Lakedell - Farmer's Market

We will have our $5 Fan Appreciation Tickets (Valid for June 1st) tickets on sale at all these Events.

Don't forget to purchase your NASCAR Licenses sooner than later. It is cheaper to buy online, here is the link.

» NASCAR Members Welcome Page

The Canadian Dollar doesn't seem to be gaining too much ground and some are predicting our dollar will be lower compared to the U.S. dollar closer to summer, so get that done now to save some money. The nice thing though is your yearend payout from NASCAR is in U.S. dollars! As well, remember NASCAR Members get a 10% discount at EIR's Front Gate and Concession by showing your NASCAR License. 

Thank you to the Race Teams that are taking advantage of the Race Team Merchandise offer we have. You simply provide us with your product (with an inventory list), you tell us what you want it sold for, the WSCC will add 5% for their Administrative Fee and you get your full asking price. We have at least 5 Teams already signed up! 

Our 2024 Race Schedule is shaping up to be the best ever! We have a number of different "Appreciation Nights" with our first one being the First Responder & Health Care Workers Night on June 15th followed by Seniors' Night on June 22nd. We have partnered with Hythe Speedway for the Hoosier Pavement Duel with the IMCA' Modified's and the NASCAR Thunder Cars/Hythe Starter Stocks on July 6 & 7 at Hythe and September 7th at EIR. We have also partnered with Medicine Hat Speedway for the Alberta Mini Cup Challenge on June 22 at Medicine Hat and July 13th at EIR.  

On June 1st we are also inviting all past Racers & Pit Crew as our guests on June 1. Check out our Track History Link for more information and also to register!


Track History (edmontonraceway.com)


EIR's NASCAR NAPA 300 weekend is going to be our biggest NASCAR Canada Event yet! We have lots of new activities this year, Vendors, Selfie Stations, Merchandise Sales, Live Band, Thunder Car Bar and much more! NAPA is very excited about this event and have extended an invitation to all of their NAPA Stores in Western Canada to attend. We need lots of help for that weekend! If any Teams can work that weekend or your families or friends, please reach out to Loretta. We have many positions available including food & beverage service, security, parking and more. 

Please do your very best to sign the Yearly Waiver BEFORE your first race! It will save everyone time at the back gate and we all know how the Back Gate line up can get very long!



Also make sure you have your NASCAR License purchased before your first race!


Please review my letter/blog dated January 26th (On our Website under News) 

EIR NEWS (edmontonraceway.com)

for more information including Back Gate Prices, Back Gate "Attendance" Bonus Program, NASCAR Licenses, Sponsor Ticket Program and more!

Thank you everyone! We look forward to seeing EVERYONE on June 1st!




Loretta Thiering
Promoter – Edmonton Int’l Raceway in Wetaskiwin





January 26, 2024

Message from Loretta – Promoter – EIR IN Wetaskiwin

Our 2024 Race Season is shaping up to be a fantastic one. We are so excited to partner with NAPA Auto Parts as our Title Sponsor for the NASCAR CANADA NAPA 300 Event for our 2024, 2025 and 2026 NASCAR Canada Events. We have a number of new Sponsors coming on board as Edmonton Int'l Raceway continues to shine in the world of Auto Racing. We have some very exceptional people working on our behalf and I couldn't be more proud of their efforts and accomplishments. 

For the Month of December our Team did a phenomenal job promoting EIR at the Leduc Outlet Mall. They spoke directly to over 5,000 people with over 90% not being aware of Edmonton Int'l Raceway. A special thank you to the EIR Racers and Volunteers that showed up to help promote their sport. 

On January 20 & 21 we had a display at the Mom, Pop & Tot's/Womens' Fair at the Edmonton Expo. Although not a huge turn out of guests, our booth was one of the most popular with the #12 Mini Cup Race Car of Paxton's; Ricky Doggy entertaining the kids and lots of race car crafts for the kids to have fun with.

On February 10th we will be at the Speedway Market in Stony Plain at the Heritage Park Pavilion and in April we will have a booth at the World of Wheels Show in Calgary.

A quick reminder to all EIR Racers to get your Registrations in for the 2024 Race Season by January 31st to hold your number and take advantage of the early bird price. We will be updating our Driver Profiles on the EIR Website & Social Media right away so ensure you fill out the Driver Profile information available on our website and don't forget to include a photo of you and your car! 

Here is the Link to complete your Driver Profile:
Driver Profile Registry (edmontonraceway.com)

The 2024 Race Season Schedule is now available and published on the EIR Website.

Racers, please note that we have made the Back Gate Racing Fees less expensive for you. This information can be found on our Website at:
Racer Store (edmontonraceway.com)

We will continue to keep track of your "Attendance" and for every 5 paid Back Gate Entries you will receive a $25 EIR Gift Card. You will not have to carry the "punch card" anymore, we will have a chart at the back gate that our staff will initial each time you pay your back gate fee. 

For those of you that bought your NASCAR License last year, you will get an email directly from NASCAR with instructions on how to renew your license online. They do prefer the Online Purchase and you will receive your card much earlier if you do it this way. If you are new to purchasing a NASCAR License this year, please reach out to me to receive the link. For the NASCAR Feature Division, the Driver and each Crew Member must have a NASCAR License for entry into the pits. For the NASCAR Thunder Cars & Pure Stocks the Driver will have to purchase a license and each Team must have at least 1 crew member with a NASCAR License. New for 2024, anyone with a NASCAR License will receive 10% off at EIR (Concession & Front Gate) however you must show your NASCAR License
Membership Card, so buy your License very early so that you will receive it in plenty of time before Race Season starts. 

Fans are always looking for Race Team Merchandise to purchase. If you have Team Merchandise that you have put together, we would be happy to sell for you at our Souvenir Sea Can. We will add 5% to the price and that will be given to the Wetaskiwin Stock Car Club as their Volunteers will be working the Souvenir Trailer and helping to promote your products in their retail space.

EIR will continue to provide your Sponsors with complimentary tickets for regular events. Please give Loretta a list of your Sponsors, including a contact name and a post-mailing address. A letter will be sent thanking them for Sponsoring Your Team and supporting Motorsports along with 4 complimentary tickets. We will not solicit your Sponsors in any way, simply thank them for supporting your Team.

I really want to impress upon our EIR Racers the many perks involved with EIR being a NASCAR Sanctioned Race Track. Your successes are publicized Internationally through the NASCAR Media Team, prize money is awarded to the top 5 in each of the NASCAR Sanctioned Divisions. The Feature Division (NASCAR Late Models) can be awarded Track and Provincial Champions along with a Provincial Rookie of the Year and invited to Nashville, TN in November to attend the International NASCAR Awards Banquet. The NASCAR Media Team will publish stories on your Championship wins at year end and this type of recognition is really important for you to promote yourself to Sponsors. You can promote yourself and your Team as a NASCAR Team, this is very important when reaching out to potential Sponsors.

In closing, please contact us anytime if you have questions, need information or have ideas you want to run by us for Promotions or anything of that nature, we are always ready to listen.

Here’s to a fantastic 2024 Race Season!


Loretta Thiering
Edmonton Int’l Raceway in Wetaskiwin


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